Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Showing Gratitude

Today I spent time baking a batch of coconut bread.  I wanted to give a loaf to Moe to thank him for coming and helping us move dirt with his tractor.   My husband wanted to give a loaf to the man who helped our Daughter-In-Love when she got her van slid off the road into a snowdrift during last weeks snowstorm.  We are just so thankful for both of these men for stopping and taking the time to help!  I also made a loaf for Ruth, the lady down the street and also a loaf for the family my husband was visiting on visitation.
Actually I had to make a couple of batches as I burnt the first batch! 
I was outside watching them deliver another couple of trucks
of dirt in the next section we are landscaping.
Because the section of lawn to the north of the driveway
is so much longer we were able to have the truck slowly let the dirt out as they drove the length we are redoing.  This should be much easier than moving the dirt from the pile to the place we need the dirt. 
After the dirt was all delivered and placed, I remembered the bread
 and was disheartened to smell smoke when I entered the house. 
I quickly cleaned up my mess and made another batch for my husband to deliver.  We also had a sick mom among our church ladies today so I made Pizza soup, garlic bread and Lime Jello poke cake for her family as she rested and recovered from her illness.
Mason came into the kitchen smelling all the good smells
 this afternoon and excitedly asked what was for dinner.  He then looked at me crestfallen and said, "Oh, you're cooking for everyone else today aren't you."  Yes, it has happened before, I often forget to cook for my family when I cook for others!  I threw some pork steaks and garlic bread into the oven and had dinner on the table in minutes.  Both Chep and Mason were disappointed the cake and bread weren't for them so I guess I need
to make them a special treat tomorrow! 

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