Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Getting Up Earlier

Let me just start by saying I am NOT a morning person! 
My husband loves to sit and watch the sunrise, where as I have no idea if I love or dislike it because it always occurs at a time when my eyes are closed! Serioulsy, the only time I have ever seen a sunrise is at the Sunrise services on Easter morning!

As I continue on my journey to be more devoted to God in every aspect of my life, He has told me I need to get up earlier and devote more time to prayer.  What???  I thought I was getting up early and I thought I had a very good prayer life.  I may think I have a good prayer life but God wants more of me and in order to continue to grow in Him I need to follow Him and submit to His will for me,
even if that means waking up before the sunrises each day! 
So this is what my phone said this morning when I got up.

This is the third day I have been up at 6:30 to start my prayer time and I am waking refreshed and ready to start my day in Him.  
Of course I haven't dragged myself out to the living room to see the sunrise yet but Easter is Sunday so I will see it then!

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