Friday, January 24, 2014

Monthly Ladies Paper

When I was in Maine a few years ago, I visited this wonderful little church and was greeted by the pastor's wife who, although she was older,
she was still full of energy and loved serving the Lord.  The Sunday we visited was the first of the month and she gave all the ladies a Ladies Paper.  The paper had some encouragement from the Pastor's wife, a recipe and a few other tidbits to encourage the ladies in her church.  I loved the idea and decided it would be something I would like to do for my ladies.
I make the Ladies Paper using two to three sheets of paper (depending on how much I have to say!),that has two columns on the front and back and then fold them to make up a six to eight page paper.  I usually hand this out to the ladies on the Sunday of the week that has our ladies meeting.  On the front page I give info about our monthly meeting, what to bring and if we are having a special guest or special activity.   I also encourage the ladies to pray for each other and our ladies group and let them know I am available to them when ever they need a cup of coffee and someone to talk to.
On the first page on the inside I write a special "From My Heart to Yours".  Here I share what the Lord has been teaching me and showing me in my life.  Sometimes it may be a verse or sometimes it may be a story of what happened last week that taught me something.
On the other pages on the inside I might share a short devotion, a few quotes that really touched me, a funny cartoon, ways to save money, a review of a book I think they should read,or advice on raising kids or marriage or numerous other things that God lays on my heart.
I finish the Ladies paper by putting as recipe on the back that fits the season or month.  The ladies seem to like this paper and when I have an especially busy month and don't put a paper out, I always get comments from a few ladies asking where that month's paper was.
(I apologize for the pictures in this post.  For some reason they are clear on my camera but you can't read the writing clearly on them when I post them.)

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