Monday, August 29, 2016

New Goals and a New Adventure

Since finishing my year long junk food free year and losing 80 pounds I have been praying and asking God what he wants me to do to continue to challenge myself and help me to grow into the person He wants me to be. With God leading and guiding me I have decided to make two new goals for the next year, one physical and one spiritual.

First physically, my goal is to workout 6 days a week. I still have almost 40 pounds I want to finish losing and in order to lose more weight than I have, I know I need to focus on physically pushing myself. I plan on alternating between running and doing TaeBo throughout the week and doing sit-ups daily to tighten my tummy.  I also will be focused on eating healthy. Although I do not plan to be as strict on eating as I have in the last year, I still want to stay away from the sugar.   

Secondly, spiritually I will focus on living Colossians 3 daily. There is so much good stuff in Colossians 3!  Things to put off from ourselves and also things that should show in our lives. Every time I read this chapter I am convicted of things I need to change and do in my life as I work at becoming a more mature Christian. So many things I see that I need to do to become a better wife and helpmeet, a better mother,  also a better Pastors wife to our church people.  I need to be more patient and less irritable, more kind and humble and less argumemt and prideful. I need more Godly attributes in my life and less of the worlds attitude!  I think Colossiams 3 really hits so many of these areas and it is definitely going to be a challenge to embrace and live this chapter out loud daily!

I truly believe Phillipians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ which strengtheth me. With God, I can challenge myself and I can change my life in the ways I see that will make me a better person.  A better person for God as I serve Him and show others the power of Christ in my life!

This year will be another year of adventure as I give up my will and follow God as He changes my life both physically and spiritually!

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