I think the bus captain must of fed all the kids sugar
on the way to church today because everyone was bouncing off walls in Jr. Church! Jr. Church was so loud and I really had a hard time keeping everyone quiet, sitting still and being focused today.
We started a new study today on the Jewish people and where they originated from. We had lots of fun looking up verses in the Bible starting with Abraham and going through Joshua as they led the Jewish people into the promised land. We looked on a world map and found Israel, the place where over 6 million Jews live today and learned about the differences between Jews and Christians. We also talked about how the cross is a symbol of Christianity, while the Star of David is a symbol of the Jews. We then took marshmallows and blue pipe cleaners to make Stars of David.
For services tonight, Chep preached a wonderful sermon
on Psalm 23:1 and the Lord truly being our shepherd and the Lord of our life. It was a powerful sermon and during the invitation two people came forward for salvation and got saved! I was blessed to be able to talk to Halee and show her out of the Bible God's plan of salvation and it was exciting to see her shed tears of joy as she gave her life to Christ.
It has definitely been another wonderful day to be in the Lord's house!
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