I was up early this morning getting ready for our potluck after revival services this morning. Yesterday I did a bit of baking and then this morning I threw some baked beans and a turkey in crockpots to cook while we were in church. It seems like there is so much to do and organize before church to make sure everything goes smoothly during the potluck.
We had a full class for Jr. Church! For the last five weeks we have been learning Bible stories that coincide with the story of Pilgrims Progress. The kids have really loved it and have been excited to come back each week to hear the next part of the story. This week we learned how Ignorant thought he could get into the Celestial City his own way but in the end he was turned away because no one can get to heaven their own way. We then learned how Cain tried to worship God his own way too when he offered an altar of vegetables instead of a blood offering as God required.
For craft time we did black scratch crosses I picked up at Hobby Lobby.
The kids loved them!
The kids love it when we have potluck and spread out
all over the church lawn to eat.
It was a beautiful day so we set up the table and chairs outside and everyone had so much fun laughing and eating and fellowshipping.
Some people thought it was too hot outside so they sat at the preschool table which was conveniently located next to all the food!
Mason was home for the day and the kids loved crawling
all over him and getting all his attention.
I was totally blessed by one of our sweet ladies who gave me these
beautiful flowers and told me she appreciated me and all I do.
How so very sweet and such an encouragement!
Our evening services tonight were totally amazing and the altar full at the end of services with people recommitting their lives and hearts and talents to God. I thank God for this week and the many ways He has touched my heart in several areas and challenged me to deepen my devotion to Him. I love revival services!
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