After a long week we are finally home!
Last weekend my husband had a strong feeling that we needed to go home. When his mom's nurse called last Tuesday to say her heart was getting weaker by the day, we dropped everything and went to spend some time with her. It was a good week and in between spending time with his mom and taking her to various appointments we were able to do a few things we love to do when we have to cahnce to be home for a few days.
We know we're almost home when the mountains surround you!
Love waking up and going outside to enjoy the view and breathing in the cool, crisp mountain air!
Several times we stole away and just sat on the bank of the Snake River. There is nothing as relaxing as just sitting and watching the river flow by as you listen to the sounds of God's beautiful creation. Of course my husband was dying for a fishing pole but we just didn't have time this trip.
I was able to sneak away and have lunch with my very best friend
from High School. We have so much fun when we are together and our laughs and conversation totally refresh me! Aimee is so sweet and gave me a few succulent plants for my flower beds as I am still trying to find what will not die here in Wyoming! She also gave me some beautiful strawberry plants I am so excited to plant.
Of course we can't have a visit home without having a barbecue with my family. I love my brothers and they keep me rolling on the floor with laughter! Matt and i went antique shopping and found such neat stuff!
I loved spending time with my nieces and nephews.
We played with them and took them for ice cream and helped them find Rollie Pollies! While we were there one of my nieces did something that got her in a lot of trouble and through that I was able to talk to her about sin and how God hates sin. I shared with her how Jesus died for our sins and how through His sacrifice, we can have our sins washed away. She didn't understand everything and wasn't ready to ask Jesus to be her Savior but it is definitely something we will talk about in the future.
What a privilege to share God's plan of Salvation with my family!
I can't go home without visiting several times with my uncle who is my most favorite person in the world! I grew up next door to him and he was like a second dad to me and taught me so much. He is the one I always call when I can't figure out how to do something as he truly does know everything! He always feeds meand this time he made me waffles with homemade syrup, yummy! Love my Uncle Allen!
On Sunday we went back to our home church for services.
So many faces have changed but it is still home. All our old friends were so glad to see us and made us feel like we had never left.
It was a long week and filled with a lot of running so we were so happy
to finally get back home. When we got home our little man was there to greet us us with a smile and baby kisses.
Can't get a better homecoming than that!
Today we are off and running again as God showed and taught us
several things while we were gone and we are excited to back into the rush of the ministry and busy for Him!
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