The word God put on my heart for 2013 is "Devoted". How devoted am I truly to God and His word and His gospel. How much time do I spend at his feet everyday, how much time a day do I spend serving Him and thus others, is my daily walk sweet and intimate with Him? I have asked myself these questions and more as I look to how devoted I am to God and what can I do this year to become more devoted to Him.
Over the last 9 days as I have studied devotion in my Bible, prayed about devotion and also changed many things in my day to make more time for things that will center my time, my actions and my thoughts toward God, I have noticed how devoted I am not! There are several things I am praying about and will share with you as God takes me through a journey of learning true devotion to Him this year.
We had our January Ladies G.A.B. Night last night
and we had so much fun! We laughed and talked and each lady shared the things she is working on to build a stronger relationship with God and their families. It was so amazing to hear the hearts of these ladies and I am fervently praying for each one!
Our devotion was on being "Devoted". (I teach the ladies what God is teaching me!) We talked about how we know when someone is devoted to us and then looked through the Bible at people whose lives showed such devotion to God. So far my favorite Bible people that showed devotion are Zacharias and Anna. In Luke 1 we see where Zacharias was visited by Gabriel and told about the birth of John the Baptist. When Zacharias questioned this, saying he was an old man, Gabriel said he would not be able to speak until John was born. Even though Zacharias was now mute and deaf, he did not return home until he had finished serving God his appointed time in the temple. Anna was an amazing woman because despite her age she dwelt in the temple and served God with fasting and prayers night and day. What examples for us to live by!
I hosted the food this month and brought several crock pots
full of hot delicious soup! Meatball soup, Ham and Bean and Pasta soup and my husband's favorite, Cheesy Potato Broccoli soup.
It was so good and Keith helped Mrs. Robin eat!
For our craft I washed out all my empty candle jars,
(I love burning candles and had over twenty jars!) and the ladies decorated them to use as prayer jars, devotion jars or candle jars.
The ladies are so creative and the jars all turned out so cute!
Another awesome night with our ladies, now to get
busy planning for next month!
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