Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Midweek Kids Club

We are almost done with this year's Bible Adventures,
 "A Child of the King" and what a wonderful year we have had!

This years Bible Adventures has been about Prince Bryant. 
 Prince Bryant has a hard time acting like "A Child of the King" and hates wearing his crown and dressing like a prince.  The kids have loved getting to know Prince Bryant and watching as he has learned what the King expects out of him as "A Child of the King".  Of course we have many puppets that have helped the Prince learn many things along the way and have made us laugh and smile.  The kids have also learned how they too can be a "Child of the King" and what God excpects of them once they do.  Every week we have had a new Bible story that has helped Prince Bryant and the kids as they learn how  "A Child of the King" should and should not act.

Each week the kids memorize verses that go along with what they are learning.  For every verse they memorize and say they get a jewel for their crown.  They also get jewels for bringing friends, monthly Sunday school and Club attendance, and reviewing their verse cards.

For every verse they say they also get to pick a small prize, which is a small piece of candy or toy out of the prize holder.

This is simply a shoe holder that has numbers over each pocket.  They kids get to pick a numbered pocket for each verse they have said and they get the prize that is in that pocket.  After they say all the verses on a verse card, they have to review the verses on the card again and be able to say the verses word perfect.  When they have reviewed a verse card they get to pick a review box.

Each box has a prize in it which may be a stuffed animal, a bottle of bubbles, a mini flashlight or even a 5 dollar Walmart gift card.  
 (I get most things for the boxes at the dollar store.) 
The kids love picking a box and really work hard on their verses.

We have two more weeks of Bible Adventures "A Child of the King" left before we end for the summer. Our big awards night will be on May 23rd and I have a bunch of fun surprises for the kids planned.   My husband, who got a pie in the face at last year's award ceremony, was a little weary when I asked him if he was willing to help again this year but said he is willing to do anything for the kids.  Tthe kids love Pastor Chep and love that he is so willing to be a part of their fun know Pastor Chep loves being in the middle of the kids and their fun no matter if their fun involves a pie or a very, very large water balloon. 
 (Yes, I will post pictures, lol!)  

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